1 EBIThree.com > 2 Clarify Tips > 3 How to Restore Linux Archive and Database

How to Restore Linux Archive and Database

The Database Backup is a restorable copy of the internal Clarify database. This backup includes Rulesets, Schemas, Business Processes, logging information, and other application configuration information.

By performing a database back-up, Clarify 3 users can be ensured that they will be saving a stable and restorable

Step 1 :: To Restore from Clarify Application Backup

1.Start a terminal session.
2.Copy the Clarify Runtime Data Archive to ${EBI_Install_Folder}/backups
3.Change directory to ${Clarify_Install_Folder}/backups
4.Execute the following command: tar –xvf [Archive_File_Name]

A log of each execution of the Restore procedure can be found in the following location:
${Clarify_Install_Folder}/logs/restore_db_backup_[Month]_[Day ]_[ Year ]@[Hour]-[Minute]-[Seconds].log

Step 2 :: To Restore Clarify Database

The location of the database to restore should be located in ${Clarify Workspace }/backup/xdb1
1.Start a terminal session.
2.Change directory to ${Clarify_Install_Folder }/utils.
3.Stop the Clarify Server and execute the following command: restore_db.sh

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