Updating the Clarify 3 Studio

Updating Clarify 3 Studio

In the old days customers had to call Cleo/EXTOL Support or goto Cleo's/EXTOL's Customer Zone to download the latest version of Clarify, to perform an upgrade. Today, users can use their Clarify 3 Client Studio , to perform the upgrade to the Clarify Client, or Clarify Server.

Navigate to Help Menu

First the Clarify user will need to select Help < Update Studio from the Clarify 3 Workbench

Cleo Clarify 3 Studio Help Menu Update

Check for Available Studio Updates

The following screen will appear.

Cleo Clarify 3 Studio Check for Studio Updates

Select the box next to Studio Update for Cleo Clarify 3. If the arrow is clicked on it will show the version of the update as well. Hit Next.

Review Update Install

The next screen will show what is going to be installed with the update. Once it has been reviewed hit Finish.

Cleo Clarify 3 Studio Check for Updates to be installed

Continue to Install

A box will appear. Select Yes.

Cleo Clarify 3 Studio Continue Update Box

Install Updates

A progress bar will appear. This will take time to install depending on the size of the update.

Cleo Clarify 3 Studio Update Progress bar

Restart Workspace

Once the update has finished installing, the workspace will be restarted. Hit OK.

Cleo Clarify 3 Studio Update Restart Workspace

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