Team Development Best Practices

Team Development Best Practices

1. Share your Projects with your team by putting them in a SVN repository.
2. Synchronize your local Workspace with the SVN repository regularly – this minimizes the amount of merging you need to do over time.
3. Commit Changesets (groups of changes that go together) to the SVN repository as often as you can.
4. Work in a Branch if Project modifications are going to take more than a day or two.
5. Commit your Changesets to the Branch as often as possible (many times per day) and, when everything is working in the Branch, merge the entire change back into the Trunk.
6. Minimize the number of non-committed local changes in your Workspace.
7. Use the Team Synchronization perspective as the primary method of interacting with the SVN server. DO NOT use the Team context menu for interacting with the SVN Server, unless you require a function that is not available in the perspective.

**Source: Cleo documentation: EBI v2 to v3.1 Conversion Guide.pdf

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