1 EBIThree.com 2 Clarify Instructions 3 to Test Outbound Clarify Database->x12 850 Project with Local Server
Step by Step Instructions to Test Outbound EXTOL Database->x12 850 Project with Local Server
IN our previous post, we discussed out how to set-up the EBI 3 objects to generate an outbound x12 850 document from database tables. In the post below we will review how to use the Studio Admin to test our set-up for outbound 850 generation.
Step 1 - Admin Console
The first step to start the testing process, for the EBI user, will be clicking on the Admin Console at the top right of the EBI Studio.
Step 2 - Launch Local Test Server
Next the EBI user will want to launch the Local Test Server. The EBI user can do this by clicking on the green arrow at the top of the EBI Studio.
Step 3 - Review Open Projects in Workspace
The EBI user will want to review their open projects in the Workspace Pane. If the project is not open then the project will not be displayed. Also, if there are errors with any of the projects/packages/objects, the respective project will not be shown. Below, because it is an outbound process, we are looking for Business Process Launcher and the associated Outbound EDI Route. They are highlighted in blue.
Step 4 - Selected Scenarios
Once the EBI user sees the objects for the process they want to test, drag them over to the 'Selected Scenarios' section of the Admin Console. A deploying objects box will pop-up and disappear when they are deployed. The advantage of performing this step allows the user to define what he or she wants to test. If we did not have the Selected Scenarios EBI would try to load ALL open projects. This would require much CPU and memory.
Step 5 - Server Projects
If the objects deployed correctly and the server is started, users will see projects/packages be listed under the Server Projects section of the Admin Console.
Step 6 - Business Process Launcher
Next, the EBI user will want to click on the Business Process tab at the top. Once there the EBI user should see their Business Process Launcher listed under the Business Processes section.
To launch the Business Process the EBI user will click on the Launch Business Process icon on the top right of the Business Processes section.
Step 7 - Business Process Manager
When the Business Process is launched it will appear in the Business Process Manager section and show that it is running. When it completed it will go away.
In this example there was an error executing the Business Process script so a box popped up. It informs the EBI user of which process number it was in the auditor.
Step 8 - Auditor
To examine why the outbound process that failed, the EBI user will need to click on the Auditor tab at the top of the EBI Studio.
Here we will review the Log Entries to see what caused the Business Process to fail.
By: Sean Hoppe on