EBIThree.com Debugging Clarify SQL Update Interface Adapter JDBC Error
SQL Update Interface Adapter JDBC Error; Ruleset not Set-up
Clarify Scenario:
During the mapping in a ruleset, we attempted to save the ruleset. The ruleset was simple and consisted of moves.
Clarify Issue:
While attempting to save the ruleset, we received an error that prevented us from moving forward. There was a 'hidden' condition applied to one of the rules.
Clarify Auditor Error:
Step 5: Execute Adapter: com.abc.core.edi.staging.PoAck.OutboundPoAckFromAs400ErpDbSelectUpdateDBA$Update
Step Messages:
2015-06-07 11:48:54,446 [PERSISTENT] - Starting com.extol.processtasks.engine2.tasks.CommEngineTask
2015-06-07 11:48:54,446 [PERSISTENT] - Invoking Interface Adapter.
2015-06-07 11:48:54,446 [PERSISTENT] - Name : com.abc.core.edi.staging.PoAck.OutboundPoAckFromAs400ErpDbSelectUpdateDBA$Update
2015-06-07 11:48:54,446 [PERSISTENT] - Version : Deployed
2015-06-07 11:48:54,447 [PERSISTENT] - Interaction : Update
2015-06-07 11:48:54,449 [ERROR] - JDBC Adapter Execution failed.
2015-06-07 11:48:54,450 [ERROR] - Execution of Adapter ended in error.
2015-06-07 11:48:54,450 [PERSISTENT] - Ending Interface Adapter invocation.
2015-06-07 11:48:54,451 [PERSISTENT] - Completed Task.
Clarify Resolution:
After circulating thru the ruleset rules, there was a condition on one of the rules. It was odd, due to the rule not being a different color.
By: Sean Hoppe on