How to Install Multiple Linux Server Environments

How to Install Multiple Linux Server Environments

To install another instance of EBI 3 Linux Server is not difficult. It involves setting up the initial install of Linux
In our example below, we will install a QA instance of an EBI 3 Linux server.

Linux Install Scenario

  • QA Install Directory: /opt/EBI31QA
  • QA Install Directory (Server): /opt/EBI31QA/Server
  • QA Install Directory (Workspace): /opt/EBI31QA/ServerWorkspace
  • Owner/Group: extol/extol
  • Install executable: EBI_Server_3_1_Linux64_b747.bin
  • Location of install executable: /home/shoppe

Install Cleo Clarify 3 in new instance

Action Plan: Install Linux Clarify 3 Server into /opt/EBI31QA

After Server Install: Review/Update Clarify 3 Linux Server Port Set-up

Cmd Line Action: /opt/EBI31QA/Server/utils/ print

Index    Description                  Current     Available   Default
-----    -------------------------    -------        ---------    -------
1        JMX                                   1097          true         1097
2        Derby                                 1527          true         1527
3        Jetty                                   8081          true         8081
4        Dashboard Servlet          5250          true         5250
5        Jetty SSL                           8443          true         8443
6        Admin Console                8888          true         8888
7        JMS                                    61616         true         61616

Action Plan: Update port numbers for each port. Offset each port by 1 number. In the example below we will change index '1' to use port:1098 instead of port: 1097

Cmd Line Action: /opt/EBI31QA/Server/utils/ 1 1098
Note: Perform this command for each of the index numbers, 1 thru 7. The actual port number can be offset by a value of 1.

Below is how the ports look after we updated our set-up
Cmd Line Action: /opt/EBI31QA/Server/utils/ print

Index    Description                  Current     Available   Default
-----    -------------------------    -------        ---------    -------
1        JMX                                   1098          true         1097
2        Derby                                 1528          true         1527
3        Jetty                                   8082          true         8081
4        Dashboard Servlet          5251          true         5250
5        Jetty SSL                           8444          true         8443
6        Admin Console                8889          true         8888
7        JMS                                    61617         true         61616

Post Install: Make A Mistake?

If a mistake was made during install and a new install needs to be performed. Just delete the newly created directories and go back to the beginning starting with: Install EXTOL EBI 3 in new instance.
Cmd Line Action: rm -R /opt/EBI31QA

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