1 EBIThree.com 2 Clarify Instructions 3 Instructions to Create A2A File Transfer Process with Application Route

Create Application to Application (A2A) File Transfer Process with Application Route
When we need to move data from one database table to another database table EXTOL Business Integrator (EBI) can assist us.
Performing a simple SQL Select, Transformation, and SQL Insert might be sufficient to move the data. However, there are times when there can be duplicate records in secondary tables. When this occurs the whole transfer can error. To avoid this issue, we can implement Application Routes.
Application Routes will group like data together such as a common key. In our JDE Example below we will query multiple JDEdwards tables and group the data based on EDOC, EDCT (Document Type), and EKCO (Company Number).
Step 1 - Create Data Souuce
For this example, the Clarify user will be making a Database to Database type setup.
To start two separate Data Sources will be used. One will be for the Source Database and the other will be for the Target Database.

Step 2 - Create Database Adapters
The Database Adapters that will be needed for this process will be one for the Source Database and one for the Target Database.

Inside these Database Adapters is where the Select and Insert Adapters are located. The Select Adapter is in JDEdwardsTl850JdepdWithVariablesDBA and the Insert Adapter is in JdeDevelopmentTl850Ver10DBA.
Step 3 - Create Schema
Since this process has the same exact table in the source and target databases, the Clarify user will only need one Database Schema.

Step 4 - Develop Rulesets
For an Application to Application setup two Rulesets will need to be created.
The first one will be a Data Analysis Ruleset. This is what takes the data selected by the Select Adapter and processes it with the correct Application Route Business Process that is matched by the attributes being populated. Here we match on TL850JDEPDTODEVAARS.

The second ruleset the Clarify user will need will just move the data between the two databases and is a typical ruleset with a Source and a Target Schema. In this case we can use the same Schema as the Source and Target.

Step 5 - Set-up Business Processes
The EBI user will need two Business Processes for this setup.
Step 5.1 - Set-up Business Processes with No Template
The first Business Process will use No Template because it is the Launcher Business Process. It will contain the Select Adapter from the Source Database and the Data Analysis Ruleset. This the Business Process that will launch the process.

Step 5.1 - Set-up DaRS Business Processes
The second Business Process will use an Application Route Business Process template. This one contains the regular Ruleset and the Insert Adapter that goes into the Target Database.

Step 6 - Implement Application Route
This is where the Clarify user links the two Business Processes. Place the value TL850JDEPDTODEVAARS into the attributeValue01.
Then in the Process Binding section attach the Application Route Business Process.
When the EBI user runs the Launcher Business Process this what the Data Analysis Ruleset will match on and then run the correct Application Route Business Process.

By: Sean Hoppe on