1 EBIThree.com 2 Clarify Instructions 3 Instructions to Create XSD/DTD using XMLSPY for Schema Wizard

Create XSD/DTD using XMLSPY for EXTOL Schema Wizard
When we need to move data from one database table to another database table EXTOL Business Integrator (EBI) can assist us.
To create .xsd files, which are used to make XML schemas in EBI. The user can use a program called Altova XMLSpy.. The version that will be used in this example will be Altova XMLSpy 2015 and can be downloaded at http://www.altova.com/download.html. There is a free 30 day trial and after that it will need to be purchased for future use.
Step 1 - Identify .XML file
First the user will need to open Altova XMLSpy.
Next the user will need to select File > Open and select the XML file they wish to use to create their .xsd file. For this example we will use an Orders xml file.

Step 2 - Generate .XSD file
Once open the user will the click on the DTD/Schema option. Then they will select Generate DTD/Schema.

A new box will appear and the default options that are selected are the ones that will be used. This includes W3C Schema and the Globals. They are the main options we want checked. Then hit OK.

Once the user hits OK they will be asked to save the file as an .xsd. Name the file whatever you need to and hit Save. An .xsd file has now been created and can be used to create an XML schema in EBI.

By: Sean Hoppe on